
Happier Employees and Return-On-Investment Course

Happiness at work matters. For example, the happiest 20% of people earn 32% more than the least happy 20%!
In this course, you’ll learn about things you can do to enhance both your own happiness and the happiness of your coworkers.

535 次查看
  • 完成时间大约为 4
  • 初级
  • 英语


How is career success related to happiness and vice versa? Most of us believe that career success leads to happiness. In fact, however, scientific evidence suggests that the reverse is even more true: happiness leads to career success. For example, one study found that the top 20% of the happiest people earned 32% more salary than least happy 20%.

In this short 4-week course, co-taught by award winning professors Raj Raghunathan (author of ‘If you’re so smart, why aren’t you happy?’, and instructor for one of ‘Top 50 MOOCs of all-time’) and Marshall Goldsmith (world-famous CEO coach and author of ‘What got you here won’t get you there’), you will learn about 5 main topics:

a.     Why does happiness at work matter?

b.     What are the 5 most important determinants of happiness at work?

c.      What is holding me back from feeling happy and fulfilled at work?

d.     What can I do to enhance my own happiness levels at work?

e.     What can I do to enhance the happiness of my coworkers?

In addition to learning about these topics, your happiness levels will improve significantly and, in the process, you’ll be on your way to a more meaningful and successful career.


• Week 1, Module 1
a. ROI of happiness: how happiness leads to greater success & more profits
b. Measuring your happiness @ work (1st happiness measurement)
c. Overview of the determinants of happiness at work—The ‘BAMBA’ model

• Week 1, Module 2
a. Why is fulfillment of ‘Basic needs’ at work important?
b. The 3 domains and 9 subdomains of Basic needs at work
c. Measuring your Basic Needs at work
d. Fulfilling Basic needs at work: 3 things you can do for yourself
e. Fulfilling Basic needs at work: 3 things you can do for your coworkers

• Week 2, Module 3
a. Why is fulfillment of ‘Autonomy’ at work important?
b. The 3 domains and 9 subdomains of Autonomy at work
c. Measuring Autonomy at work
d. Gaining autonomy at work: 3 things you can do for yourself
e. Gaining Autonomy at work: 3 things you can do for your coworkers

• Week 2, Module 4 & Week 3, Module 5
a. Why is fulfillment of ‘Mastery’ at work important?
b. The 3 domains and 9 subdomains of Mastery at work
c. Measuring Mastery at work
d. Gaining Mastery at work: 3 things you can do for yourself
e. Gaining Mastery at work: 3 things you can do for your coworkers
f. Happiness measurement (2nd)

• Week 3, Module 6
a. Why is fulfillment of ‘Belonging’ at work important?
b. The 3 domains and 9 subdomains of Belonging at work
c. Measuring Belonging at work
d. Fulfilling Belonging at work: 3 things you can do for yourself
e. Fulfilling Belonging at work: 3 things you can do for your coworkers

• Week 4, Module 7
a. Why is fulfillment of ‘Abundance orientation’ at work important?
b. The 3 domains and 9 subdomains of Abundance culture at work
c. Measuring Abundance at work
d. Gaining Abundance orientation: 3 things you can do for yourself
e. Fostering Abundance culture: 3 things you can do for your coworkers
f. Happiness measurement (3rd and final)


A basic level of interest in human nature

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