The six waves of globalization, from trade by sea to the fourth industrial revolution
Emerging leaders -- the nations pushing progress and dominating the global economy
Globalization and sustainable development -- the value of a shared global vision and ethics
In this four-part mini-course, Professor Jeffrey Sachs argues that we have always lived in a global world. He takes students on a historical and anthropological tour of six distinct waves of globalization and outlines the key factors that drove innovation, technology dispersal and development during these epochs. The course tells the story of a global humanity and asks the question: What lessons can we pull from history to help understand the tumultuous changes underway today?
This course is for:
Graduate students and advanced undergraduate students studying international development or relations, economics, sustainable development and other related topics
Practitioners in the fields of policy, government relations, international trade, finance and related fields who are interested in the historical context of our current geopolitical environment and technological revolution
Module 1: Waves of Globalization in History
Six Major Globalizations
Prime Drivers
The Eurasian Advantage
The Classical World
The Medieval Chinese Miracle
Module 2: Ocean-Based Globalization: 1500-1800
Sea-Based Globalization
Global Trade in Commodities
Conquest, Slavery and Genocide in the Americas
Imperial Competition
The Beginning of Divergence of the West and Asia
Module 3: The Anglo-American World: 1800-2000
James Watt Changes the World
The Next Comers: US, Germany, Japan and the Rest
High European Imperialism
The European Immolation and Decolonization
US-led Globalization
Module 4: The New Globalization
The Eclipse of the North Atlantic
Hitting Planetary Boundaries
The Information Revolution
The Quest for Sustainable Development
Global Governance for Sustainable Development
Shared Global Vision and Ethics