WhatGraphQL is and how it works
When to use GraphQL
What advantages GraphQL has over other paradigms, such as REST
GraphQL is revolutionizing the way developers are building websites… but what exactly does that mean?
GraphQL is an open source query language and a runtime to fulfill those queries with your existing data. In this course, you’ll learn what GraphQL is and why it is getting so much attention from software engineers. You’ll learn what its advantages are over REST, what types of web architecture to use it with, and why it benefits both frontend and backend developers. You’ll get the chance to practice GraphQL queries in an interactive playground. You’ll also learn advanced topics such as how to implement a GraphQL server on the backend, how to use a GraphQL server with a client, and how to keep your GraphQL server secure. The course content was originally created by Prisma, and updated and maintained by Novvum.
If you are a programmer, this course will help you gain the skills you need to get started using GraphQL for a small project or professionally in production. You’ll feel comfortable getting started with the right tools for your use case.
If you are nontechnical, this course will help you communicate with developers and participate in conversations about GraphQL. You will understand when and why to use GraphQL for a project.
Start your GraphQL journey today!
Chapter 1. GraphQL Fundamentals
Chapter 2. Advanced Tutorial: Clients
Chapter 3. Advanced Tutorial: Server
Chapter 4. Advanced Tutorial: More GraphQL Concepts
Chapter 5. Advanced Tutorial: Tooling and Ecosystem
Chapter 6. Advanced Tutorial: Security
Chapter 7. Common Questions
Final Exam
It is helpful to have some general knowledge about how websites get information from servers, but it is not required.
Familiarity with web architecture, such as clients and servers
Familiarity with web development concepts such as caching, HTTP requests, build-time, etc.