
Sustainable Building Design

Learn and explore key scientific principles, technologies, and analysis techniques for designing comfortable indoor environments while reducing energy use and associated climate change effects.

1359 次查看
  • 完成时间大约为 15
  • 中级
  • 英语


Understand the scientific principles underlying the thermal and luminous behavior of buildings

Learn to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of a range of technologies for creating comfortable indoor environments


Meeting growing global energy demand, while mitigating climate change and environmental impacts, requires a large-scale transition to clean, sustainable energy systems. Students and professionals around the world must prepare for careers in this future energy landscape, gaining relevant skills and knowledge to expedite the transformation in industry, government and nongovernmental organizations, academia, and nonprofits.

The building sector represents a large percentage of overall energy consumption, and contributes 40% of the carbon emissions driving climate change. Yet buildings also offer opportunities for substantial, economical energy efficiency gains. From retrofit projects to new construction, buildings require a context-specific design process that integrates efficiency strategies and technologies.

In this course, you’ll be introduced to a range of technologies and analysis techniques for designing comfortable, resource-efficient buildings.

The primary focus of this course is the study of the thermal and luminous behavior of buildings. You’ll examine the basic scientific principles underlying these phenomena, and use computer-aided design software and climate data to explore the role light and energy can play in shaping architecture.

These efficiency design elements are critical to the larger challenge of producing energy for a growing population while reducing carbon emissions.


Week 1 - Energy Use in Buildings

Course Introduction
Assignment: Energy Benchmarking

Week 2 - Understanding Climate

Solar Radiation
Wind, Temperature, and Relative Humidity
Assignment: Direct Shading

Week 3 - Designing with Climate

Thermal Comfort
Active Solar
Assignment: Thermal Comfort

Week 4 - Daylighting

Light and Human Vision
Daylighting Design Principles
Assignment: PV Study

Week 5 - Daylight Simulations

Daylight Simulations and Availability Metrics
Material Surfaces
Assignment: Daylight Availability

Week 6 - Electric Lighting

Visual Comfort
Electric Lighting and Occupant Behavior
Assignment: Glare

Week 7 - Heat Flow

Thermal Mass and Heat Flow
Insulation Materials and Window Technologies
Assignment: Thermal Mass

Week 8 - Thermal Loads

Shading and Integrated Façade Design
Assignment: Natural Ventilation

Week 9 - Thermal Simulations

Internal Gains and Load Calculations
Assignment: Internal Gains

Week 10 - Heating, Cooling, and Ventilation (HVAC)

HVAC for Small Buildings
HVAC for Large Buildings

Week 11 - Designing a Sustainable Building

Assignment: Design Simulation and Peer Review

Week 12 - Final Assessment

Assignment: Final Design Submission and Exam


Strong English language skills
Ability to perform basic mathematical operations
Undergraduate study of architecture, physics, environmental science, sustainability, and/or engineering helpful
Some experience with computer-aided design helpful

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