Dinosaur biology
How palaeontologists reconstruct ancient ecosystems using fossil and modern evidence
The traits and significance of a Late Cretaceous dinosaur ecosystem
_ The course has a maximum 5* rating and has been taken by learners from 120+ countries. The course was a Finalist of the 2018 edX Prize for Exceptional Contributions in Online Teaching and Learning and received an award for Teaching Innovation in E-Learning from the University of Hong Kong’s Faculty of Science.
Ever wondered what it would be like to live in the world of dinosaurs? Yes? Well here’s your chance!_
Using the Late Cretaceous fossil site of Erlian, China as an example, we bring you to the Gobi desert, as well as leading international museums and institutions to find out how we reconstruct dinosaur ecosystems.
This biology and life science course will focus on the knowledge we can gain from studying animals and plants. You will learn about a dinosaur’s biology including their appearance, classification and diet. We will take a close look at the mostly meat eating theropod dinosaurs, as well as the main plant eating dinosaurs, the sauropodomorphs and ornithischians. At the end of the course, you will learn how palaeontologists use fossil and modern evidence to reconstruct dinosaurs and their ecosystems.
The course is brought to life with the help of award-winning palaeoartist Julius T. Csotonyi and is led by HKU’s vertebrate palaeontologist Dr Michael Pittman in collaboration with his esteemed colleague Professor Xu Xing of the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology, Beijing. A range of guests from around the World will also share their expertise during the course.
参加我们的免费网上学习课程,感受与恐龙同行的震撼! 以中国二连浩特白垩纪晚期的化石地层作为一个例子,我们将带您来到戈壁沙漠、著名国际博物馆及研究所去探究我们如何重建恐龙的生态系统。 此生物及生命科学课程着重于研究动物和植物。您将会认到识恐龙生物学,包括恐龙的外观、分类和食物。我们将关注近乎全肉食性的兽脚类恐龙,以及主要的草食性恐龙、蜥脚形亚目和鸟臀目恐龙。在本课程的末段,您将会了解到古生物学家如何运用化石和现代的证据来重建恐龙和它们的生态系统。 本课程有赖屡获殊荣的古生物复原画家Julius T. Csotonyi的帮助才得以面世,并由香港大学古脊椎动物学家文嘉棋博士及北京古脊椎动物与古人类研究所徐星教授共同领导。世界各地不同领域的专家也将在本课程中分享他们的专业知识。
參加我們的免費網上學習課程,感受與恐龍同行的震撼! 以中國二連浩特白堊紀晚期的化石地層作為一個例子, 我們將帶您來到戈壁沙漠、著名國際博物館及研究所去探究我們如何重建恐龍的生態系統。此生物及生命科學課程著重於研究動物和植物。您將會認到識恐龍生物學,包括恐龍的外觀、分類和食物。我們將關注近乎全肉食性的獸腳類恐龍,以及主要的草食性恐龍、蜥腳形亞目和鳥臀目恐龍。在本課程的末段, 您將會了解到古生物學家如何運用化石和現代的證據來重建恐龍和牠們的生態系統。本課程有賴屢獲殊榮的古生物復原畫家Julius T. Csotonyi的幫助才得以面世,並由香港大學古脊椎動物學家文嘉棋博士及北京古脊椎動物與古人類研究所徐星教授共同領導。世界各地不同領域的專家也將在本課程中分享他們的專業知識。
Week 1: Course overview and introduction to dinosaurs
Overview of the course, including an introduction to the Late Cretaceous course field site in Erlian, China. Introduction to dinosaur biology from their appearance, classification and diet to their evolution and extinction.
Weeks 2 & 3: Meat eating dinosaurs - theropods
A survey of the theropod dinosaurs discovered in Erlian, including their biology and insights into the preserved ecosystem.
Week 4: Plant eating dinosaurs - sauropodomorph and ornithischian dinosaurs
A survey of Erlian’s herbivores from the dominant hadrosaur ornithischian dinosaurs to rarer sauropodomorph and non-hadrosaur ornithischian dinosaurs. Learn what they tell us about herbivore biology at the time and about the local ecosystem.
Week 5: Living with dinosaurs
A survey of the non-dinosaur reptiles, mammals, fish and invertebrates that lived with the dinosaurs of Erlian. What roles did they play in this ecosystem?
Week 6: Bringing dinosaurs and their ecosystems to life - diet, behaviour and growth and course summary
Find out what evidence palaeontologists use to bring dinosaurs to life in seemingly impossible ways. Also, a summary of the entire course.
第 1 周 : 课 程概述及介 绍 恐 龙
第 2 及 3 周 : 肉食性恐 龙 - 兽 脚 类 恐 龙
第 4 周 : 草食性恐 龙 - 蜥脚形 亚 目和 鸟 臀目恐 龙
研究二连浩特的草食性动物,从占有主导地位的鸭嘴龙类鸟臀目以至较为罕见的蜥脚形亚目及非鸭嘴龙类鸟臀目恐龙。了解当时草食性动物的生物学和当地 的生态系统。
第 5 周 : 与 龙 共存
第 6 周 : 重 现 恐 龙 及其生 态 系 统 - 食物、行 为 及生 长过 程和 课 程 总结
第1週: 課程概述及介紹恐龍
課程概述, 介紹位於中國二連浩特白堊紀晚期的考察場地, 並從外觀、分類和食物以至進化及滅絕方面了解恐龍的生物學。
第2及3週: 肉食性恐龍
獸腳類恐龍 研究在二連浩特發現的獸腳類恐龍, 包括牠們的生物學和所在地之生態系統。
第4週: 草食性恐龍 - 蜥腳形亞目和鳥臀目恐龍
研究二連浩特的草食性動物, 從占有主導地位的鴨嘴龍類鳥臀目以至較為罕見的蜥腳形亞目及非鴨嘴龍類鳥臀目恐龍。了解當時草食性動物的生物學和當地的生態系統。
第5週: 與龍共存
第6週: 重現恐龍及其生態系統- 食物、行為及生長過程和課程總結
了解古生物學家如何運用證據, 把恐龍真實的一面帶到我們面前以及整個課程的總結。