
Demystifying Biomedical Big Data: A User’s Guide

Whether you are a student, basic scientist, researcher, clinician, or librarian, this course is designed to help you understand, analyze, and interpret biomedical big data.

999 次查看
  • 完成时间大约为 8
  • 中级
  • 英语


Understand how biomedical data are being generated and processed

Learn about various biomedical big data resources (e.g. TCGA, G-DOC, UNIPROT, etc.)

Explore and analyze genomic, transcriptomic, and proteomic data using various online analysis tools

Make sense of big data using systems biology resources and tools

Appreciate the value of big data in biomedical research and clinical practice (e.g. enabling precision medicine)


With the continuous generation of massive amounts of biomedical data on a daily basis, whether from research laboratories or clinical labs, we need to improve our ability to understand and analyze the data in order to take full advantage of its power in scientific discoveries and patient care. For non-bioinformaticians, “handling” big data remains a daunting task. This course was designed to facilitate the understanding, analysis, and interpretation of biomedical big data to those in the biomedical field with limited or no significant experience in bioinformatics. The goal of this course is to “demystify” the process of analyzing biomedical big data through a series of lectures and online hands-on training sessions and demos. You will learn how to use publicly available online resources and tools for genomic, transcriptomic, and proteomic data analysis, as well as other analytic tools and online resources. This course is funded by a research grant from the US National Institutes of Health (NIH)-Big Data to Knowledge (BD2K) Initiative.


Week 1: Introduction and Overview of Bioinformatics Platforms and Resources

Introduction to the Course -Interview with Bioinformatics at Georgetown University Medical Center. Dr. Robert Clarke, Dean for Research, at Georgetown University Medical Center
Biomedical Informatics: Enabling Research and Health Care. Interview with Dr. Subha Madhavan, Director of the Innovation Center for Biomedical Informatics (ICBI) at Georgetown University
Biomedical Big Data: Enabling Personalized Medicine. Interview with Dr. John Marshall, Chief, Hematology and Oncology, Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center, Georgetown University Medical Center internationally recognized medical oncologist

Week 2: Translational Research and Big Data

Translational Research
Translational Research Lecture, Part 1 Part I
Translational Research Lecture, Part 2 Part II
The Cancer Genome Atlas
The Cancer Genome Atlas Lecture
The Cancer Genome Atlas Demo
The Cancer Genome Atlas Exercise
Introduction to G-DOC
G-DOC Lecture
G-DOC Demo
G-DOC Exercise

Week 3: DNA and Big Data

DNA Copy Number
DNA Copy Number Lecture
DNA Copy Number Demo
DNA Copy Number Exercise
Genome Sequencing
Genome Sequencing Lecture, Part 1
Genome Sequencing Lecture, Part 2
Genome Sequencing Demo
Genome Sequencing Exercise

Week 4: RNA and Big Data

Gene Expression
Gene Expression Lecture
Gene Expression Demo
Gene Expression Exercise
MicroRNA Lecture
MicroRNA Demo
MicroRNA Exercise

Week 5: Proteins and Big Data Part I

Protein Sequences Lecture
Protein Interactions Lecture
Mass Spec Proteomics, Lecture
Proteomics Exercise

Week 6: Proteins and Big Data Part II

Proteomics (Continued)
Data Sharing, Metadata, Data Formats
Proteomics Demo, Part 1
Proteomics Demo, Part 2
Proteomics Demo, Part 3
Proteomics Exercise

Week 7: Systems Biology and Big Data

Systems Biology
Systems Biology Lecture, Part 1
Systems Biology Lecture, Part 2
Systems Biology and Data Analysis Demo
Systems Biology Exercise

Week 8: Perspectives from the Field and Course Conclusion

Perspectives from the Field
Regulatory issues Issues related Related to biomedical Biomedical big Big dataData. Sheila Zimmet, JD, Senior Associate Vice President for Regulatory Affairs, and Ashley Carver, JD, Deputy Conflicts Officer and Regulatory Affairs Associate, Georgetown University Medical Center.
Enabling Everyone to Share and Use Public Datasets. Interview with Dr. Ben Busby, genomics Genomics outreach Outreach coordinator Coordinator at the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI)
Interview withCancer Moonshot. Dr. Jerry Lee, Deputy Director, Center for Strategic Scientific Initiatives, Office of the Director, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health


Background in biology is suggested (high school or undergraduate level). Review of relevant courses in biology and life sciences (e.g. genetics, genomics, DNA/RNA/Protein structure and function, transcription, and translation) is recommended, but not required.
Courses to explore include Genomic Medicine Gets Personal (GeorgetownX), AP® Biology Part 1: The Cell (RiceX), AP® Biology Part 2: Genetics (RiceX), and Proteins: Biology's Workforce (RiceX).

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