
Chasing your Dream: How to End Procrastination and Get a Job You Love

According to the old saying, “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” This courseis geared toward helping you find real purpose in your work and becoming the best version of yourself.

988 次查看
  • 完成时间大约为 5
  • 初级
  • 英语


How to focus on decision-making, take on responsibility, stop looking for excuses

How to ignore negative things and focus on positive things

How to focus on advantages and compensate for disadvantages

How to fight the fear of mistakes


Do you love your job, do you wake up every morning all eager about it? Are you ready to do what you have chosen for the rest of your life? When you are off the chosen track, are you impatient to snap into action immediately to start working more effectively and overcome the difficulties? Is your life full of purpose, are you of any use to other people?

If your answer to all the above questions is “Yes” then congratulations, you’re doing great! However, most people share at least some level of insecurity about their work and their future. If that sounds more like you, here’s a follow-up question: have you done anything to change it? Or are you planning to put up with that for the time being?

This course is for those who may feel a little stuck in their careers. It draws from academic teachings in motivation and positive psychology from universities like Harvard andMoscow State University and combines those with cultural studies from Tibet.

You’ll learn how to resist procrastination and engage a process of self-determination. You’ll find ways to contend with the “bumps” that prevent us from moving in the direction.

This course can’t promise a magic pill, butit will offer the tools for solvingkey problems thatcan hinder self-fulfillment. You willgain the basic skills of self-development, explore some well-considered hypotheses of future development, and build the toolsyou’ll need to follow your passion and succeed.


Week 1: Course Review
Introduction to the series of courses "Chasing your Dream," about what awaits you in the first course "How to StopProcrastinating".

Week 2: Problem #1. How to deal with circumstances?
Focus on decision-making, take on responsibility, stop looking for excuses. Solution of Problem #1 - The 'Take on Responsibility' Tool.

Week 3: Problem #2. All against me
Focus on advantages and learn how to concentrate on them and effectively apply them in practice. Learn how to compensate for disadvantages. Solution of Problem #2 - The 'Green Pen' Tool.

Week 4: Problem #3: I need guarantees
Focus on how to fight the fear of mistakes and learn to move through discomfort. There are no guarantees, you must act yourself and learn to take on responsibility. Solution of Problem #3 - The 'Cult of Mistakes' Tool.

Week 5: Results of the course
What's understood, what's learned, what's next


You only need your desire to work on yourself.

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  • 顶你学堂
  • 华文慕课
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  • (部分课程由Coursera、Udemy、Linkshare共同提供)

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