
AWS Developer: Deploying on AWS

AWS experts show how to leverage your developer skills to deploy applications in the AWS Cloud.

1024 次查看
  • 完成时间大约为 6
  • 高级
  • 英语


How to use AWS developer tools including AWS Elastic Beanstalk, AWS CloudFormation, AWS CodeBuild, AWS CodeDeploy, and AWS CodePipeline.

How to use AWS tools to monitor your development and production environments. How to monitor application performance using AWS tools including Amazon CloudWatch and Amazon Elasticsearch

How to automate the development/staging/production process


In this course, part of the AWS Developer Series, you will learn how to use DevOps methodologies and tools. You will build and test your application using AWS Cloud9, and deploy to your cloud-based infrastructure with AWS Elastic Beanstalk. You will create a continuous integration/continous delivery (CI/CD) pipeline using AWS CodeBuild, AWS CodeCommit, and AWS CodePipeline.

You will monitor your application and deployment using Amazon Cloudwatch, and create dashboards using Amazon Elasticsearch and Kibana to gather and catalog performance metrics.

This course has a significant hands-on component. Throughout the class, you will perform exercises using the AWS services covered.

Class discussions provide an opportunity for you to interact with fellow students as well as AWS training staff.


Week 1
Welcome to Deploying on AWS

Meet the instructors
Discussion: Introduce yourself
Introduction to Deploying on AWS

What are we building this course? Project Introduction
Exercise 1.1: Setup a local AWS Cloud9 environment
AWS Elastic Beanstalk

Introduction and demonstration
Exercise 1.2: Local deployment with AWS Elastic Beanstalk
Weekly Quiz
Weekly Discussion

Week 2
AWS CodeCommit

Exercise 2.1: AWS CodeCommit
AWS CodeBuild

Exercise: 2.2 AWS CodeBuild
AWS CodePipeline

Exercise 2.3 – AWS CodePipeline
Weekly Quiz
Weekly Discussion

Week 3
AWS CloudFormation

Exercise 3.1 CloudFormation - Create an RDS and a VPC
Exercise 3.2 CloudFormation
AWS CodeDeploy

Exercise 3.3 - Code Deploy
Acceptance Testing
Exercise 3.4 Acceptance Testing
Weekly Quiz
Weekly Discussion

Week 4AWS Systems Manager
Advancing CodeDeploy

Appspec File & Rolling Deployments
Exercise 4.1- Integrating AWS CodeDeploy and AWS CodePipeline
Weekly Quiz
Weekly Discussion

Week 5

Monitoring the Pipeline
Exercise 5.1 - Notifications on Build Status
Amazon CloudWatch

Exercise 5.2 Stream nginx logs into CloudWatch Logs
Amazon Elasticsearch Service & Kibana

Exercise 5.3 Integrate CloudWatch logs with Amazon Elasticsearch Service and Kibana
Weekly Quiz
Weekly Discussion

Week 6
Seeing a change through the pipeline

Adding a feature to our application
Exercise 6.1: Japanese language check-in and build.
AWS CodeStar

Branching Workflows
Course Wrap up
Couse Wrap up and Preview of Next course
End of Course Assessment
Weekly Discussion


1-3 years of software development experience.
Completion of the first class in this program; “AWS Developer: Building on AWS”


Q. Are there any costs associated with this course?
A. Learners can register for the course in an Audit track or Verified Certificate track. The Audit track is free, but limits the duration of access to 6 weeks from registration. The Verified Certificate track costs $149 and provides full access to course content for the duration. Please visit for more information.

In addition to course registration costs, this course provides optional hands-on exercises which may have an associated charge in your AWS account. Please familiarize yourself with the AWS Free Tier at

Please note that the AWS Free Tier also has a limit on the amount of resources that you can consume before you begin accruing charges. If you perform these hands-on exercises, there is a chance you may incur charges on your AWS account.  Please visit the AWS Free Tier page for more information.  

Q. Do I need a credit card to create an AWS Account?
A. Yes, you will need a credit card to activate your AWS account.

Q. How much time will this course require?
A. If following the weekly schedule, learners should plan to spend 2-4 hours per week on this course.  However, learners may complete the course at their own pace.

Q. Will I receive a certificate for this course?
A. Learners enrolled in the Verified Certificate path will receive a certificate upon successful completion of the course.

Q. What is the grading policy for this course?
A. All learners may take weekly quizzes, which are not graded and allow unlimited retries.

Learners in the Verified Certificate track are able to take the final course assessment in the course. Passing the final assessment is required to obtain the Verified Certificate.

Learners in the Audit track will not have access to the final assessment, and will not be able to earn a certificate.

Q. How are discussions used in this course?
A. This course has discussion groups aligned to each week of the course. We encourage learners to ask questions or offer suggestions and feedback.  AWS Instructors will monitor the discussion groups to answer questions specific to the exercises and topics covered in the course.

Q. Will this course help me prepare for an AWS Certification?
A. Earning an AWS Certification typically requires both knowledge and experience. While this course, if taken in isolation, will provide you with relevant information and skills, it likely will not equip you to earn an AWS Certification. For more information about AWS Certifications, including recommended training and experience requirements, visit

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