
Attending a Networking Event

Improve your ability to meet new people. Learn to give an “elevator pitch” (speech) to introduce yourself to new people and to highlight your key qualities. Make connections with people and use your skills to attend a networking event.

1766 次查看
  • 完成时间大约为 6
  • 初级
  • 英语


Create and deliver an "elevator pitch"  

Find a networking event you would like to attend 

Make small talk 

Prepare for and attend a networking event 

Add at least one new person to your  network


In this course, you’ll focus on two key parts of networking. 
In the first part, you will focus on an elevator pitch, a short speech to highlight the qualities that are important to finding a job or making a connection. 
You’ll practice giving your speech and get feedback on your content, vocabulary, and pronunciation.  
The second part of the course is about networking events. These are informal meetings to make connections with people in a certain area. You’ll practice making “small talk” and you’ll get better at making conversation and ending conversations. You’ll also know how to dress for success and attend your own networking event. 
We’re sure your network will grow after you take these steps.


Intermediate level of English language proficiency


Q: Do I need to take the courses in order?
A: We recommend you take the courses in order. Many of the topics build from one course to the next, but there is no strict requirement.

Q: I don’t know many people, so how can I network?
A: Everyone has a network. The course will help you identify the people that you already know and help you figure out strategies to make your network bigger.

Q: My English isn’t very strong. Is this course right for me?
A: This course is designed for people with an intermediate level or above. That means you should be able to talk about everyday topics. If you are a beginner, some of the activities might be difficult, but you can still learn from them.

Q: I’m quite fluent in English. Is this too basic for me?
This course is designed for people at an intermediate level in English. Some of the vocabulary might be easy for you, but you can probably benefit from the activities.

Q: I’m not studying business. Is this course okay for me?
Yes, networking is all about making connections. You can use networking in any major, career, or location.

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  • Stanford-Open-Edx
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  • 中国大学MOOC
  • 学堂在线
  • 顶你学堂
  • 华文慕课
  • 好大学在线CnMooc
  • (部分课程由Coursera、Udemy、Linkshare共同提供)

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