
AP® Italian Language and Culture (2019-2020)

Improve your language skills and expand your knowledge of contemporary Italian culture as you prepare for success in the AP® Italian exam!

798 次查看
  • 完成时间大约为 12
  • 高级
  • 意大利语


Learn about contemporary Italian culture through a variety of media (video interviews, newspaper articles, radio programs, short stories, etc.)

Refine your interpersonal, presentational and interpretive skills in Italian.

Review Italian grammar from fundamental to advanced structures. 

Practice all you need for success in the AP Italian exam!


AP® Italian Language and Culture provides students with an interactive learning experience that combines the highest academic standards with the goal of language proficiency.

This course suits the needs of students who have a variety of learning goals:

1. You want to prepare for the AP exam independently at your own pace, or perhaps you want to improve your language skills and find out more about contemporary Italian society. Sign up now and cover as little or as much as you need to get ready! You will have access to all the material from the moment you register. You may audit the course for free or work towards a Verified Certificate of Completion ($49; issued by edX ).

2. You want to be best prepared for the AP exam and also be part of an online live class with other students and an instructor. Wellesley College offers, in conjunction with this edX course, online live instruction classes (in Fall 2019 and Spring 2020) so that you can practice the language regularly. Our online live instruction classes follow the same curriculum as this edX course. If you choose this option, you will receive a Certificate from Wellesley College with a letter grade that you may present to your high school for registration on your transcript. You will also experience how languages are taught at Wellesley College! Registration for live online classes.


2-3 years of Italian at the high school level;
2-3 semesters of Italian at the college level.


1. How can I determine whether I am ready to take AP Italian?

Generally speaking, if you have completed two or three years of Italian in high school, or two or three semesters at the university level, you should be ready for this course. 

If you have learned Italian in an unconventional way, such as travel or family connections, you may also try completing the first lesson. If you find that the lesson is challenging but doable, then you are in the right place. 

2. What is the difference between the Certificate issued by Wellesley College and the Verified Certificate of Completion issued by edX?

The Certificate issued by Wellesley College includes a letter grade and is available only to those student who enroll in our online live instruction classes. The grade shown on this Certificate reflects the work students have completed independently online as well as the grades they receive on written and oral assignments corrected by our online instructors. Please note that our online live instruction classes are open to all learners, not only high school students preparing for the AP Italian exam. Therefore, the Certificate issued by Wellesley College may be used in the following ways:
- High school students may present it to their high school for registration on their school transcript. 
- All learners may present it to any educational institution and/or employers as an important recognition of achievement and language proficiency. 
The Certificate issued by Wellesley College is free but enrollment in our online live instruction classes requires the payment of a tuition. 

The Verified Certificate of Completion issued by edX does not include a letter grade and is not per se a recognition of language proficiency. A Verified Certificate of Completion is automatically released to all learners who have received an average score of 60% on all self-correcting activities. The cost of the Verified Certificate of Completion is $49. Click on "Upgrade to Verified Certificate" on the course page if you are interested in this option.

3. Whom should I contact if I have any questions about this course?

Please email us: apitalian@wellesley.edu

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