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中国特色社会主义理论体系概论 | MOOC中国 - 慕课改变你,你改变世界


Introduction to the Theoretical System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics


1624 次查看
  • 完成时间大约为 8
  • 初级
  • 中文, 英语


Essence of the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics

Necessity, feasibility and difficulty of China's economic reform and opening up


China has grown to become the world’s second largest economy in the last several decades. In this history course, you will learn about the governing practice and ideology of the Communist Party of China during their economic growth.

This course is an introduction to the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics and mainly consists of three points:

Deng Xiaoping theory
The important thought of “Three Represents”, which is a guiding socio-political theory
Scientific outlook on China’s economic development
By the end of this course, you will understand:

The primary stage of socialism
The Essence of Socialism and the General Task of Building Socialism with Chinese Characteristics
Socialist theory of reform and opening up
Theory of achieving complete reunification of China
Socialistic diplomacy and international strategy with Chinese characteristics
Theory on the Leading Nucleus of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics
This course is a window into contemporary China. Open the window and enjoy the view with us.


本课程实施“转客为主”教学模式,即通过设置多重教学环节引导学生由“教学对象”向“教学主体”转化,由“被动性学习”向“主动性学习”转化,由“以听为主”向“听说读写行并重”转化。课程鼓励和引导学生实现“六化”: 一是“化耳为口”,即不仅要听,而且要说;二是“化目为手”,即不仅要读,而且要写;三是“化知为行”,即不仅要求知,而且要践行;四是“化外为内”,即将外在的知识转化为内在的素养;五是“化隐为显”,即将隐性的素质转化为显性的成果;六是“化人为己”,即将他人的素养转化为学生自我的素养。


Week 1: The General Basis for Building Socialism with Chinese Characteristics
There are three sections in this chapter, including the theory of primary stage of socialism, the principal contradiction, the basic line and program in the primary stage of socialism.

Week 2: The Essence of Socialism and the General Task of Building Socialism with Chinese Characteristics
Introduction to Deng Xiaoping’s theory of socialist essence, and answer the question “Is socialism with Chinese characters the real socialism?” Also show “Three-Step Development Strategy”, origins and evolution of the “Moderate Prosperous society”, and the Chinese Dream of great national renewal.

Week 3: The Socialist Theory of Reform and Opening Up
Interpretation to several questions, including: Why Reform and Opening up is the only way leading to socialism with Chinese characteristics? What’s the essence of reform? What are the standards to judge the gains and loss of reform and opening-up policy? How to treat the dispute towards reform and opening-up policy? How to properly treat the social conflicts and social problems in the process of reforming and opening up? How to push forward reforms through scientific ways?

Week 4: The General Plan of Building the Socialism with Chinese Characteristics
Introduction to the lineage of the general plan of the socialism with Chinese characteristics, and the practice and theory of building the socialist economy, politics, and culture with Chinese characteristics, establishing the harmonious socialist society, and constructing socialist ecological civilization.

Week 5: Theory of Achieving Complete Reunification of China
Interpretation to three questions, including: Why isn't China completely unified? Why should we achieve complete reunification of China? How can we achieve complete reunification of China?

Week 6: Socialistic Diplomacy and International Strategy with Chinese Characteristics
Introduction to the forming foundations of socialistic diplomacy and international strategy with Chinese characteristics, and the reasons and intentions for China to strive for Peace Development.

Week 7: Theory on the Fundamental Goal and Relying strength of Building a Socialism with Chinese Characteristics
Introduction to the fundamental goal of building a socialism with Chinese characteristics, including national power and prosperity, renewal of the Chinese nation, social harmony, and people's well-being. Explanation of the main strength which could rely on to achieve the above goals.

Week 8: Theory on the Leading Nucleus of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics
Interpretation to two questions, including: why the leadership of the communist party of China is the fundamental guarantee of the socialist modernization? How does the communist party of China surmount the “periodic ratio of history”?

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  • (部分课程由Coursera、Udemy、Linkshare共同提供)

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